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Cube 90 Series 7

Cube 90 Series 7

Advanced food preservation in its purest form

Cube 90 Series 7

The perfect synthesis of innovation and elegance

All the best of Haier's revolutionary Fresher Techs® meet in a superior design masterpiece. In its 90 cm of width and 180 cm of height, the Haier multidoor fridge and freezer has many specialised areas reigned by innovation, allowing for a preservation experience that enhances the qualities of your products.


Hygiene first

The highly innovative technology ABT Pro removes up to 99.99%* of bacteria and odours in 100% of your Haier ABT fridge and freezer. A module inside the cooling system catalyses the air and generates particles that can decompose bacteria and molecules, transforming them into water and carbon dioxide.

*Tested by a third party laboratory.

Discover a pristine purity

Here’s the purest, crystalline ice you’ve ever seen, totally odourless. The icemaker module has its own cooling system separated from both fridge and freezer, so that Absolute Ice technology can ensure the pureness of the cold air, avoiding cross-contamination with other compartments. This results is up to 10 times purer ice*.

*Test results issued by an independent External technical laboratory comparing Haier model Cube 90 Series 7 equipped with Absolute ice and a second Haier product equipped with a standard ice maker system.

The wonder drawer

The Humidity Zone drawer keeps your fruit and vegetables fresher, for twice as long *, thanks to the innovative Humidity Control System technology that keeps humidity at 90% inside your professional fridge and freezer.. It also prevents condensation from forming, while keeping all the foods’ nutrients unaltered for a long time.

*as certified VDE n. ID.40046454

Discover the premiumness of a beautiful space

Haier design refrigerators are created to be perfect both inside and outside. They always stand out for the elegance of their design, clean-cut lines and the quality of materials.

The beauty starts outside

Checking the temperature of your Haier Cube 90 Series 7 led fridge freezer and managing its features without even opening the door? You can do it at any time, thanks to the innovative Digital Touch Display. So your food will be even more protected, avoiding changes to the internal temperature.

The imprint of style

The attention to detail and the quality of the materials are the flagship of the Haier Cube 90 Series 7 four door refrigerator. The anti-fingerprint finish is proof of this: a prestigious finish that makes your refrigerator even more beautiful to touch and see.

Your functional space

Your space as you want it. The cantilevered shelves are supported by a system of slots in the back of the wall and may be adjusted in height to fit your needs.