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fruit and vegetables
19 April 2022

How to store fruit and vegetables in a smart fridge with the help of technology

Fruit and vegetables are the items that go bad faster: to avoid waste, you should know how to store them correctly within your fridge.

A diet with lots of fruits and vegetables can help you stay fit and healthy. However, when you don’t have a lot of time, buying fresh fruits and vegetables every day is basically impossible: the risk is buying in bulk once a week and then leaving them in the refrigerator, waiting to eat them, way past their expiration date.
The secret to increase storage times for fruits and vegetables lies in correctly arranging food in your refrigerator, and in technology.

How to arrange fruits in the refrigerator to make them last longer

Usually, almost all fruits and vegetables should be stored in the lower part of the refrigerator. Indeed, temperatures in this section is ideal, as they range around 8-10°C, while the level of humidity ranges around 80-90%.
How to efficiently arrange fruits and vegetables in your refrigerator to reduce waste? Here are a few good practices and tips.

How to store fruit in the refrigerator

Fruit doesn’t need to be stored in the refrigerator; however, in some cases, it is best to do so, to preserve its flavour, properties and freshness. You should store it in the bottom drawer of your refrigerator; also, pay attention to what fruit can be stored there and for how long:

  • persimmons: especially perishable, they can last up to 3 days in the refrigerator;
  • kiwis: they can last up to 5 days in the refrigerator drawer;
  • citrus: they remain fresh for up to 2 and a half weeks in the refrigerator;
  • apples: they last for up to 10 days in the refrigerator bottom drawer;
  • pears: they can last up to 1 week;

How to store vegetables in the refrigerator

Differently from fruit, vegetables last longer in the refrigerator. However, you can still adopt some measures to extend their preservation times, such as wrapping asparagus in a damp cloth to preserve their freshness, or dampen artichokes with lemon juice.
A separate mention should be done for cooked vegetables, which should be stored in the central shelf. They expire pretty quickly (between 24 and 48 hours), and they should be placed in the refrigerator at room temperature.

How to store fruit and vegetables thanks to the fridge smart features

Smart fridges are valid allies in storing your food, and not just because they help you keep the temperature and humidity levels in check; apart from being actual pieces of furniture and designer elements - thanks to their looks curated down to the last detail - these appliances use AI to help you manage your everyday life.
For instance, Haier’s new 2D SERIES refrigerators are equipped with innovative technologies, such as “MY FOOD LOCATOR”, which suggest the ideal position for any food item. Moreover, once they are connected to the hOn app, they feature many different time-saving and useful functions, such as “MY INVENTORY”, to add, remove, edit and sort your inventory in a simple click from your smartphone, so that you can always check what you are missing, what is almost over and what is almost expiring.
With Haier 2D SERIES refrigerators, you can also change the temperature levels directly from your office online, and prepare your refrigerator for your arrival by programming the right temperature for when you get back home. With these smart refrigerator functions, you can always keep your food under check and reduce waste.